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Dear guest,


Our hotel is equipped with a fire alarm and evacuation system according to the latest fire safety and evacuation requirements. As a result, our evacuation intallation is not delayed at any time and a (false) alarm will immediately activate the slow whoop (a very loud public address system including siren) throughout the building.


A false fire alarm is very annoying for you and the guests around you. How do you prevent a false fire alarm?


Do not touch the fire alarms in your room, this will immediately trigger an alarm throughout the building.
All our hotel rooms have open-plan bathrooms. We kindly ask you, after using bath and/or shower, to let the exhaust in the bathroom do its job and do not open any windows or doors in the meantime. Opening windows and/or doors will draw steam from the bathroom and possibly activate the fire alarm throughout the building.


If the alarm is triggered, we will carry out an immediate check at the location of the report at all times. We will therefore enter your room immediately in order to act quickly. If we find that a fire alarm has been activated by smoking, candles, incense, etc., we will immediately charge you a fine of €250 and you will be denied access to the hotel immediately.